Free Comic Book Day Policy
1. Order limits: An account/customer can only order one of a specific free FCDB comic. If an account/customer orders more than one of a certain FCBD comic will modify your order to meet our policy. An account/customer can order more of the payed FCBD Comics.
2. Cost: Most FCBD books are free of charge. We will only charge a fee with special FCBD comics.
3. Shipping: Shipping is not included with FCBD and will be charged to your account. Shipping is the only cost you will be charged for most FCBD comics.
4. Time Frame: FCBD start's on May 7th and will last until we are out of free books. We will send all purchased books out with our next batch of shipments. Orders are generally shipped on Mondays or Wednesdays.
5. Shipping Exemptions: If you add your FCBD comic into a cart with an existing value of $100 CAN you qualify for free shipping on your order.
If you have any questions regarding Lernski's FCBD event feel free to send us an email at
Last updated: 4/15/22